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Some medicines need to maintain a specific temperature to ensure their quality and effectiveness.For this reason, thermometers for medicine refrigerators are a safe and effective alternative for their proper preservation during transport.
These medicines are called thermolabile medicines, which need to be kept in the range of 2 to 8 °C from the moment they leave the laboratories until they are used. In this sense, a thermometer that indicates the temperature at a specific time is not enough. It is important to have a temperature indicator that guarantees that the required conditions for good preservation have been maintained.
Adhesive reversible thermometer for refrigerators. This indicator comes with 12 temperature points indicating the temperature of the refrigerator or cold storage by a colour change.
LCD fridge thermometer with 12 levels...LCD reversible adhesive temperature indicator. This label changes colour on the basis of the temperature.
Reversible temperature indicator for the...Irreversible time and temperature indicator by color change. This adhesive label alerts you to inappropriate temperature exposure by progressively changing the color of the control points. Each point is calibrated for a specific period of time, thus allowing control of the exposure time at that temperature.
WarmMark Time and Temperature (pack 100...Refrigeration is needed for the conservation of thermolabile medicines. For example, vaccines, biological preparations and reagents for some clinical tests should be kept below a specific temperature. In these cases, the storage temperature for medicines requires an unbroken cold chain. Otherwise, the patients who make use of them could be put at risk.
For this matter, using cold indicators and sensors is very important to make sure that the refrigeration temperature of medicines is stable and controlled. The cold chainindicators include temperature sensors and are designed to control and verify the good state of conservation of the products. In other words, its function is to ensure that the temperature of refrigerated medicines has been maintained.
This way, they guarantee suppliers that the temperature to preserve the medicines has been perfectly maintained and thus, the cold chain has been respected. It is also a way of certifying to the final customer, by means of temperature control, that they receive a product of the highest quality.
One of the most delicate stages in maintaining the cold chain is transport, that is, before and after the products leave the warehouses. If medicines are kept outside the recommended temperature, even for a short period, they can be seriously affected, as some medicines can develop pathogenic microorganisms.
Another highly-effective alternative to ensure that the recommended temperature has been met is the use of irreversible temperature indicators or thermometers for medicine refrigerators. These are adhesive thermometers that control the maximum reached temperature by changing colour. They are irreversible, which means that, on reaching a specific temperature, they permanently change colour. Therefore, they can guarantee that the cold chain was respected.
In short, attention must be drawn to the use of thermometers for medicine refrigerators during transport until they reach the recipient. They are real and unchangeable proof that the required cold has been maintained for the correct preservation of medicines that need to be kept at a specific temperature. This will be the only possible way to know whether the products continue to successfully maintain theirproperties, proving useful for the patients who take them.