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This is the best indicator to control the freezing temperature. This indicator is essential as the exposure of chemicals, paints and vaccines to cold temperatures may cause irreversible damage. This nofrost sensor detects any temperature drop, records and alerts on the freezing of materials.
You just have to stick it to the surface of the material subject to control and it changes colour when the temperature drops under the critical point marked on the product itself. This change is permanent. This allows to check later if the thermal conditions of the material have dropped below the level under control.
Tempasure temperature indicator is a sensor recording any temperature drop under certain value by a colour change.
Tempasure nofrost sensorAny temperature drop causing the deterioration of a material is defined as critical freezing temperature. This temperature is different on the basis of the field, for instance, chemical or pharmaceutical sectors. The range of Tempasure freezing thermometers is between -10ºC and +10ºC for the purpose of coping with several needs. A special production for -20ºC and +40ºC is even possible.
Tempasure temperature decrease indicator can be applied in many fields connected with the transport and storage of materials subject to deterioration if their corresponding freezing temperature is reached.
Nofrost indicators are irreversible products. This means that if the temperature drops under the critical point, they change colour permanently. They also ensure that the product has not reached its freezing temperature and, as a consequence, its features can also keep unchanged. Despite the real temperature is included in the correct range, the indicator will immediately alert in case any sudden temperature drop by a colour change.
This device is an easy and comfortable way to ensure the good conditions of materials like paints or vaccines.