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Controlling occupational risks, as in hot surfaces in working environments that can cause burns through contact, requires the placement of safety signs at work that warn of such a risk.
In sectors such as the metal, chemical or food industries, it is common to work in areas where there may be hot pipes or surfaces, with the consequent risk of burns to workers. The use of signs based on heat sensors is one of the most effective methods to prevent accidents caused by burns.
The greatest risk occurs when the surface does not have a constant temperature, but switches between heat and cold. This contributes to human error and considerably increases the risk of burns. In these cases, the best solution is an occupational risk sign that changes colour when the surface is hot.
Tempsafe is an adhesive label changing colour by any temperature increase and displaying a message to alert on hot surfaces and avoid burns.
Tempsafe safety temperature indicator...This adhesive temperature indicator changes colour on the basis of the temperature. This is a LCD reversible indicator (Liquid Crystal Display) as it always displays the real temperature of the device or surface on which it is stuck.
LCD traffic light temperature label (pack...Self-adhesive temperature indicator alerting to hot surfaces by a colour change and avoiding contact burns. It can be supplied in bags of 10 units.
Hand Hot safety temperature indicator...Reversible temperature label with a colour change. It alerts on heating of surfaces or devices through a colour change from green to red when the temperature reaches 43ºC.
Go – No Go reversible temperature...Temperature labels that change colour act as a surface temperature sensor. When they reach a specific temperature, they change colour and display a warning message that alerts us to the temperature of the object, radiator or pipe, thus avoiding any burns.
These heat sensors are adhesive, so they are easy to place. They are an improved alternative to safety signs at work when it comes to preventing hot spots and avoiding burns.
When it comes to occupational safety and temperature, prevention is not limited to factories, laboratories or other facilities. In offices and shops too, risk areas need to be suitably labelled with safety warning signs.
Heating systems, as well as coffee machines and certain machinery, which we can find in most office buildings or large department stores, are risk points for burns.
In these environments, there is an aggravating factor – people who work there are not qualified operators and just have some training in occupational safety. The people who work in these spaces are office employees or people from outside the company who enter a shop to buy and, therefore, lack risk prevention training.
Therefore, we insist that colour-changing temperature labels are the best risk warning signs for these environments. These heat sensor indicators do not require staff training. They are pretty much self‑explanatory signs on occupational risks caused by high temperatures on any surface.