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Thermometers for high temperatures

These indicators are perfect to detect overheating in the area where they are placed as they change colour when certain temperature is reached.

High temperature thermometers are manufactured with heat sensitive inks that change colour or become transparent and show a hidden message when certain temperature is reached.  In this way, these stickers indicate that a given surface has reached certain temperature determining the risk of burning in case of contact.

Reversible, these indicators turn into their initial stage when the temperature of the area where they are stuck decreases.

The best selection of high-temperature thermometers

How do high-temperature thermometers work?

Printed with heat sensitive inks, these labels keep unalterable  under their temperature of change. Reached the thermal change point, they act depending on the label and as explained below:

  • Colour change:some labels such as the traffic light indicator and the Go/No-Go indicator change their colour to indicate an increase in the temperature.
  • Hidden message: other indicators like Tempsafe or Hand Hot include a graphic message which appears only when the temperature exceeds the critical control point.  In that case, an alert is displayed to inform about the risk of high temperature.

Application areas

This kind of thermometers are commonly used in installations like factories, warehouses or offices where there are areas, piping or surfaces subject to temperature change without notice. 

The control of overheating is also necessary in certain devices when the temperature exceeds in case of malfunction or failure. This is particular critical in presence of electric engines like scooters, small electric vehicles and general machinery.  The extended use or any fault in the cooling of a component may compromise the integrity of the device.

Owning a high-temperature thermometer implies economic advantage and is an on time warning to avoid irreversible damage.